Sample quiz on factoring quadratics
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  1. Factor $x^2+3x+2$.
  2. Factor $x^2+x+2$
    Not factorable
  3. Which of the following quadratics does not factor over the real numbers?
  4. Factor $x^2-3x-4$.
  5. Factor $2x^2+10x-12$.
  6. Factor $3x^2-3x-6$
  7. Factor $3x^2+10x+3$
    Not factorable
  8. Factor $2x^2+5x+2$
  9. Factor $2x^2+7x+3$
  10. Factor $x^2+8x+15$.
  11. For which of the following values of $b$ is the quadratic $x^2+bx+3$ factorable over the integers?
  12. For which of the following values of $b$ is the quadratic $3x^2+bx+5$ factorable over the integers?
  13. Given a general quadratic $ax^2+bx+c$, under which condition does it factor over the rational numbers?
    when $b^2-4ac$ is equal to zero
    when $b^2-4ac$ is a positive number
    when $b^2+4ac$ is a perfect square
    when $b^2-4ac$ is a perfect square
  14. Under what condition does a general quadratic $ax^2+bx+c$ factor as a perfect square?
    if $b^2-4ac=1$
    if $b^2-4ac=0$
    if $b^2+4ac=0$
    if $b^2-4ac\geq 0$
  15. Factor $2x^2-18$.
  16. Factor $5x^2+20$.
    Not factorable
  17. Which of the following quadratics factors as a perfect square?
  18. For which of the following values of $c$ does the quadratic $x^2+2x+c$ factor over the integers?
    None of the above
  19. For what value(s) of $b$ does the quadratic $x^2+bx+16$ factor as a perfect square trinomial?
    $b=\pm 4$
    $b=\pm 6$
    $b=\pm 8$
  20. Factor $x^2-49x+600$.